Visiting the Writer of the Day Berit Petolai at Meoma: poetry, accordion music, village swing, and spring bonfire

Tuesday, 7th May
Meoma tavern

At the crossroads of four roads in Meoma village, in an old barn, there is a small tavern where Berit’s poetry will be recited, much of which has been inspired and created while wandering the paths of this same village. You can also listen to the spring singing, the trumpeting of cranes, and the buzzing of the Jew’s harp. Additionally, there’s a village swing and a spring bonfire on Meoma’s swing hill. You can purchase some snacks and beverages on-site, so bring cash along. Transportation to Meoma and back is available by festival bus; those interested in taking the bus are requested to register by May 6th here:
Seats are limited! Public transportation is also available to Meoma, with an average travel time of 45 minutes, and the Meoma tavern is about 2 km from the bus stop.