Environmentally Friendly Cultural Management

The Tartu International Literary Festival Prima Vista follows the guidelines developed by the Tartu 2024 Foundation, the city of Tartu, and Acento, a consultation company for sustainable events, in 2022. We ensure that minimum requirements are met in every aspect. The guidelines are available HERE.

Recommendations for Visitors

1. If you plan to make any purchases at the event, please bring your bag or container from home.

2. If you need to use a straw for health reasons, please bring your own from home.

3. In case snacks are provided at the event, start with smaller portions. You can always get more if needed.

4. We recommend coming to the event by walking or cycling and, if necessary, using public transportation.

5. Please follow waste management requirements. If you bring food to the event, dispose of food packaging in the designated container, and dispose of organic waste in the organic waste container.

6. Please follow the instructions of the organisers to minimise the impact on the venue.

Materials and Purchases

1. The Literary Festival does not provide name card holders or lanyards for visitors.

2. Disposable items are not distributed as souvenirs or gifts except food.

3. We use reusable decorations at events. We prefer renting and recycling decorations whenever possible.

Catering and Water Usage

1. The Literary Festival does not use disposable dishes, including drinking straws, at its events. We use reusable dishes, cutlery, and other environmentally friendly solutions if necessary.

2. Generally, the Literary Festival does not provide catering at its events. If catering is offered at any event, the food is ordered based on the number of participants and at least one fully plant-based option is provided. Leftover food is either donated or allowed to be taken by the organisers and participants.

3. Whenever possible, we avoid serving bottled drinks. We prefer serving water to performers from reusable pitchers and glasses.

Waste Management

1. The Literary Festival organizes events in venues and areas where participants, organisers, and vendors have access to separate waste collection. If the festival needs to provide separate waste collection itself, we do it according to the guidelines.

2. Segregated waste is recycled according to waste types.


1. The events occur in areas easily accessible by walking and public transportation. We encourage visitors to use public transportation, bicycles, or walking to the event.

2. International performers are encouraged to choose public transportation whenever possible to offset their carbon footprint. When selecting flights, they should consider the climate impact compensation airlines offer.

Energy and Resource Efficiency

1. We minimise electricity usage during non-event hours at the event venue for multi-day events. For example, book fair stalls are set up the day before the fair, but electricity is not used overnight.

2. We prefer a permanent electricity connection instead of temporary generators if the event venue allows it.

3. The Literary Festival organisers ensure no resource wastage during and after the events.

Consideration for the Surrounding Environment and Community

1. We ensure that the event area remains in the same condition after the event.

2. If necessary, we repair any damage caused to the landscape. We prefer event locations where there is no risk of landscape damage.

3. If the event takes place in open-air or residential areas, we inform nearby residents about the event at least a week in advance. We prefer event locations specifically designed for hosting events that do not disturb neighbouring property owners.


1. The minimum requirements are fully available on the Festival’s website.

2. We inform partners in writing about the environmental rules and regulations when signing the cooperation agreement or well before the event, allowing the trader/partner to comply with the environmental rules fully.

3. We explain the environmental rules to visitors and partners on-site during the event.