Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Iceland)
Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (b. 1987) is an artist and poet. Among other things, she works with notes, sounds and words in her works, as well as performances. Her work often revolves around the unexpected and ridiculous, erasing the borders between different media. In 2018, she displayed her performance Lunar-10.13 & Gáta Nórensu at the Reykjavík Arts Festival, where poetry, music, installations and performances merged into one. Her works include a cod opera, humming choir piece, sound poetry choir piece and a vowel composition. Her latest book is called Gluggi – draumskrá (Window – Dream Register) and contains a list of dreams. Ásta has performed her compositions, poetry and performances at various festivals and exhibitions in Iceland and abroad. She received the Kópavogur poetry prize in 2017 and was nominated for Bernard Heidsieck literary prize, Pompidou in 2021.