Claudia Baniahmad (Germany/USA)

Claudia Baniahmad is a pharmacist and poet. She lives in Marburg, Germany and is the spiritual, healing, and business leader of the Apotheke (Pharmacy) an der Hohen Leuchte. A collection of her poetry will be published by the Noel-Verlag, Germany in 2024. She holds a Ph.D. in molecular endocrinology (biology/pharmacy). She worked for many years as a scientist at the Max Planck Institute Martinsried/Munich and at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, USA. She is an alternative medical practitioner specializing in holistic healing and the Body Code/Emotion Code. The subject of her poetry is healing in all aspects and in harmony with nature and the posthuman ecology of co-existence with nonhuman life and advanced digital, virtual, and cyborg technologies.

Foto: Claudia Baniahmad
Claudia Baniahmad

Insomniacathon Vol3