Convertible (USA/Austria)

Covertible is a musical project formed by American lyricist Hannah Mac Kenna and Austrian musician Hans Platzgumer in 2004. They have released dozens of songs together.
The successor to the groundbreaking New York grunge band HP Zinker from the 1990s, Convertible continues to oscillate between electronic pop music and purely acoustic minimalist singer-songwriter style. The melancholic tone, lyrical depth, as well as affinity for unconventional and constantly surprising composition and arrangement techniques, have remained distinctly unique.
In April, Convertible released their latest single “Lift The Needle”. Following their album “Holst Gate II” which was released in 2021 and features several songs performed in Tartu, Hans Platzgumer’s band surprises with an epic, timeless, densely orchestrated song about the end of times.
The most important songs of Convertible, along with their performance list, are compiled in a bilingual poetry collection called “Convertible Song Book” (Text/Rahmen Verlag, Vienna 2022), with German translations done by Hans Platzgumer himself. For the concert “Writers in Music”, the poems are translated into Estonian by Piret Pääsuke and will be read by actress Maarja Jakobson. In Tartu, the songs will be performed by a small lineup in semi-acoustic versions.
Hans Platzgumer – vocals, guitar, keyboards
Chris Laine – bass, vocals
Michael Schneider – percussion
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Saturday, May 13th 20.00 at the Tartu Literary House Culture Club Salong