David Hartley (UK)

David Hartley was kidnapped during the 2023 Prima Vista festival and placed inside
an ancient pine tree deep inside a forbidden forest. While there, he befriended the
animals by giving them copies of his short story collection “Fauna” (Fly on the Wall
Press, 2021), which they greatly appreciated. In return, they fetched him food and
water and taught him essential survival techniques, many of which he has now
forgotten. He managed to escape and made it home to Manchester, UK where wrote
a series of dark folktales inspired by the experience. Using the tricks of their resident
artistic wizard Henri Hütt, the Prima Vista festival has enticed him into returning for
2024 to present his findings. For one day only, he will be exhibited to the public
during “The Forest of Ink & Skin”, created in collaboration with Henri. He urges you to
attend in case it’s the last thing he ever does.

He can also be found on Instagram: @DHartleyWriter, and if you’d like to while away
some time, many of his weird little tales can be found for free on

Photo: David Hartley
David Hartley

Discussion “Literature in a More-Than-Human World” led by the Writer of the Day Maarja Pärtna

Opening of the Exhibition “Poetics of Survival,” presentation of artworks, and a discussion

“Bring Your Own Utopia”: performance “The Forest of Ink and Skin” by David Hartley (UK) and Henri Hütt