Jinn Bug (USA)

Jinn Bug is a poet, photographer, gardener, activist, visual artist, fibre artist, and life-long dreamer. Her photography, vignettes, and poems have appeared in Appalachian Heritage, New Southerner, LEO Weekly, Fiolet & Wing—An Anthology of Domestic Fabulism, Aquillrelle, For Sale, Pure Uncut Candy, The Rooted Reader, Gyroscope Review, Necro Magazine and other print and online publications. Her most recent book of poetry is “Nights at the Museum”. In 2023, her sonnet “Eden without Us” won the Southern Shakespeare Festival worldwide sonnet contest. She is currently working on a book called “Everything Lost Comes to the Intersection.” Visit her at www.JinnBug.com

Photo: Jinn Bug
Self Portrait as Lachesis Jinn Bug

Insomniacathon Vol3