Liis Ring (Estonia)

Liis Ring defines herself as a musician, (sound) artist, photographer, observer and wanderer who divides her life between the west coast of Sweden and the southeast corner of Estonia. Her works are often site-specific, questioning notions of time, place, language, belonging and home. Her works, no matter the medium, often rely on different analogue techniques, emphasising the relations between material and motif, the present and the past.

Liis has a BFA in music production (2017) and photography (2023) from the University of Gothenburg.

Photo: Liis Ring
Photo: Christoffer Rutström

“Bring Your Own Utopia”: presentation of the installation „”Siin oli soo. Once was mire” by Penny Boxall (UNESCO City of Literature Norwich, UK), Maarja Pärtna and Liis Ring