Merca (Estonia)

Hey, I’m MERCA, Merle Jääger by my passport, what is it I can tell you about myself? Hi, first of all! Generally, my workplace is theatre, I work on stage, all kinds of roles there, you know.

But sometimes, when tension becomes too hard, I seize – no, not the axe, but a pen. Thus bye and bye my works have been born and also become published.

For certain reasons, the first of them in Canada were printed. It was Vello Salo, a priest, who published them. They were stories of the young in the Soviet times and some black-white-and-blue pieces.

The rest of my books have been published here, in Estonia, including “Mees” (Man) which is something like a short novel. & as I am half Seto by birth, I have also written pieces in the Seto language.

If now you’re intrigued by the tales I weave, dive into the web and look at what you’ll find!

Foto: Merca

Concert “Writers in Music”

Insomniacathon Vol3

Tones of the Future in Estonia