Oliver Issak (Estonia)

Oliver Issak is a production dramaturg and freelance artist who, alongside creative challenges, is studying social design at the Estonian Academy of Arts, all to imbue each artwork with a fragment of potential for making the world a better place. In a creative tandem with fellow artist and designer Jan Teevet, his life’s journey also includes founding the Institute of Encounters and Non-Encounters, where active researchers roam the corridors daily, seeking opportunities to create new encounters (or non-encounters). Their greatest achievement so far has been launching the action under the name of the Embassy of Utopia – a sanctuary of positive uncertainty, bold ideas, and unbridled imagination.

However, the work of forging new encounters is far from over, and undoubtedly, by the time these lines are printed, new horizons are already emerging.

Oliver also wishes to emphasize that it’s precisely the encounters with different people that have brought him to this festival catalogue, directed him towards the wonderful initiative of Värske Rõhk, and connected him with individuals who fight tirelessly for a better tomorrow. One can only hope that encounters have not left Oliver behind, and in the future, there will be more encounters with tens, hundreds, thousands, and millions of remarkable people!

Foto: Oliver Issak
Oliver Issak

Presentation of the special issue of Värske Rõhk “How to Write Kindness” – community day with readings and soup kitchen