Saara Liis Jõerand (Estonia)

Saara Liis Jõerand is a master’s student in general linguistics at the University of Tartu and the managing editor of the magazine Värske Rõhk. She has also studied semiotics and a bit of mathematics, writes literary criticism, and flirts with the art field. She is fascinated by patterns, models, analogies, solutions, and precision. Or, actually, even more so by how humans strive for them, so desperately and yet so hopelessly. And also, what happens when they fail, when discrepancies, ambiguities, and loose ends arise. Exploring language allows her to engage directly with all of this. Literature, of course, allows her to play with it.

Foto: Saara Liis Jõerand
Saara Liis Jõerand

Presentation of the special issue of Värske Rõhk “How to Write Kindness” – community day with readings and soup kitchen