Street Theatre Migro (Poland)

Migro is a street theatre based in Krakow, founded in 2019 by Monika Kozłowska and Justyna Wójcik. The theatre specialises in wordless performances, built on gesture, dance, and mime – a theatrical language understood by every viewer. Performances are held on the streets, squares, and green areas of both small and large cities.

The main themes and sources of inspiration for the performances are ritual and travel. A journey is portrayed, depicted as the fate of a refugee, a wanderer’s journey through life, a journey into the past, which has left a lasting imprint on our present.

Migro brings” to Tartu its production “Echoes which tells the story of Poland’s eastern borderlands – war, migration, resettlement – what until recently seemed to be the past. The narrative of the performance is created through music, instrumental pieces, and songs performed by the actors.

The stage movement of the performance is directed by Natalia Iwaniec, using the Gaga technique, a unique movement language developed by Ohad Naharin.

In 2023, Migro Theatre performed in addition to Poland at festivals in France, Slovenia, Romania, Serbia, and Lithuania.

The guest performance in Tartu is funded by the Polish Ministry of Culture, National Heritage and Sport and supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland.

Photo: Migro
Photo: Marcin Galon

Street Theatre Migro (Poland) performance “Echoes”