
Meeting with Ketlin Priilinn
Priilinn has authored books for children, young adults, and adult readers, and has translated four works from English to Estonian.Ilmatsalu Basic School (Kooli tee 5, Ilmatsalu)
Literature Competition “Page by Page” / “Seitenweise” Estonian Final
As part of an international book project, young German learners read Martin Muser’s novel “Sest” / “Weil” and prepared creative works (video, poem, play, or comic) based on the book.Tartu Public Library (Kompanii 3/5) hall
Opening of Prima Vista 2024, the Grand Futurological Congress and the Translation Agency
Opening of Prima Vista 2024, the Grand Futurological Congress and the Translation AgencyUniversity of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Grand Futurological Congress: Tõnis Vilu (Estonia)
In the past fifteen years, Tõnis Vilu has been perhaps one the most influential poets in the Estonian literary landscape. He will deliver a presentation examining the development of a poet’s “late phase work” through various case studies, and why such a distinction arises.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
A 211. birthday: Kierkegaard of Denmark and the World –an event dedicated to the life and work of Søren Kierkegaard
On the 5th of May 1813, just as the Danish state goes bankrupt in the wake of the Napoleonic wars, Søren Kierkegaard is born. Instead of following in his father’s footsteps as a sock merchant, and despite dying at the age of 42, the melancholy, guilt-ridden and profound “Søren Sock” becomes one of the great European philosophers of his century, also known as the “father of existentialism”.Culture Club Salong (Vanemuise 19 ground floor, entrance from the back yard)
Creative Writing Workshop “Writing as a Time Machine” with the Writer of the Day Meelis Friedenthal
Creative Writing Workshop “Writing as a Time Machine” with the Writer of the Day Meelis Friedenthal at the University of Tartu Library Kodavere RoomUniversity of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1) Kodavere Room
Author’s Evening with German Writer Julia von Lucadou
The author of the dystopian novel “The High-Rise Diver” (“Die Hochhausspringerin,” Hanser 2018) will be in conversation with University of Tartu lecturer Hella Liira, with Estonian translation by Maarja Jakobson.TYPA letterpress and paper art centre (Kastani 48f) Gallery
Grand Futurological Congress: Halyna Kruk (Ukraine)
Internationally acclaimed Ukrainian poet Halyna Kruk will converse with Maarja Kangro, the translator of her poems.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
A dance performance: „Ma jään kaevu / juurde igavesti jooma“ (“I Will Stay at the Well / Drinking Forever”)
A dance performance based on the poetry of Ene Mihkelson. “The performance is English-friendly, there is no spoken text.”Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Screening of the programme “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “The Sky Calls”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the programme “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “The Sky Calls” (Ukraine, 1959; directors Mikhail Karyukov, Aleksandr Kozyr)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
Opening of the Poetry Exhibition “Window Towards Toomemägi”
Inspired by Toomemägi, many poems have been written in various languages, a selection of which is presented at the exhibition (curated by Mart Velsker).Professors’ Alley (behind the main building of the University of Tartu)
“Living Library” for schoolchildren
In the “Living Library,” you can meet so-called living books, intriguing with their fascinating life stories or backgrounds.Tammelinna Library of Tartu Public Library (Suur kaar 56)
Prima Vista Book Fair
Special programs from Poland, children’s programs, book presentations, and dances.Town Hall Square
Visiting the Writer of the Day Berit Petolai at Meoma: poetry, accordion music, village swing, and spring bonfire
At the crossroads of four roads in Meoma village, in an old barn, there is a small tavern where Berit’s poetry will be recited, much of which has been inspired and created while wandering the paths of this same village. Meoma tavern
Historical-literary tour “Traces of Poland in Tartu”
On this journey, we’ll seek signs of Poland’s relations with the city and people of Tartu over several centuries. The walk will pass through the city centre to the botanic garden (1.7 km) from Toomemägi.ruins of Tartu Cathedral
Meeting with Joel Jans
Joel Jans is an Estonian science fiction writer who is a member of the Estonian Science Fiction Association, the founder of the science fiction magazine Reaktor, and its longtime editor-in-chief.Karlova-Ropka Library of Tartu Public Library (Tehase 16)
Celebration of Polish Flag Day at Prima Vista Book Fair
Polonaise with carillon, speeches by Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamm and Acting Chargè d’affaires of the Republic of Poland Anna Pełka, procession to the main building of the university. Town Hall Square
Presentation of Olga Tokarczuk and Joanna Concejo’s book “Lost Soul”
The book is presented by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland and the Estonian National Museum.Town Hall Square
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: presentation of the installation „”Siin oli soo. Once was mire” by Penny Boxall (UNESCO City of Literature Norwich, UK), Maarja Pärtna and Liis Ring
Installation „Once was mire. Siin oli soo” has utopian ideas about wetlands at its heart.TYPA letterpress and paper art centre (Kastani 48f)
Grand Futurological Congress: Emmi Itäranta (Finland)
The author of lyrical dystopias with strong ecological undertones, whose debut novel “Memory of Water” (2014) was adapted into a film in 2022, questions in her presentation whether science fiction can envision the future. Following the presentation, Itäranta will engage in a conversation with literary critic Saara Liis Jõerand.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Street Theatre Migro (Poland) performance “Echoes”
The performance tells the story of Poland’s eastern borderlands – war, migration, resettlement, things that until recently seemed to be the past. The theatre presents a wordless performance structured around gesture, dance, and mime. The narrative is accompanied by music – instrumental pieces and songs performed by the actors.Town Hall Square
Opening of the exhibition “Between the Lines” introducing Swedish literature
Representatives of various fields of Swedish literature, including festival guest Lydia Sandgren, share thoughts related to the role of literature and its artistic uniqueness at the exhibition.Large hall of the University of Tartu library on the second floor
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Ikarie XB 1”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Ikarie XB 1” (Czechoslovakia, 1963; director Jindřich Polák)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
Presentation of Indrek Hargla’s book “Trimmerdaja surm”
The book is part of the series “Kriminaalne raamatukogu” (“Criminal Library”), and it contains two criminal plays. At the presentation, an interactive nerve-racking episode from the play “Testamenditäitjad” will be showcased.Culture Club Promenaadiviis (Promenaadi 5)
Grand Futurological Congress: Lydia Sandgren (Sweden)
Author of the novel “Collected Works” (published in Estonian by Eesti Raamat, 2022) in conversation with literary scholar Esbjörn Nyström (Sweden).Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
A dance performance: „Ma jään kaevu / juurde igavesti jooma“ (“I Will Stay at the Well / Drinking Forever”)
A dance performance based on the poetry of Ene Mihkelson. “The performance is English-friendly, there is no spoken text.”Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Literature With Spark: an evening of young authors
Presenting their work: Elisabeth Heinsalu, Riste Lehari, Mirjam Parve, Merike Reiljan, Reijo Roos, and Mikk Tšaškin.Culture Club Salong (Vanemuise 19 ground floor, entrance from the back yard)
Presentation of Kristina Viin’s poetry collection and Toomas Kiho’s poetry program
Kristina Viin will be presenting her book “Unetamisi” (Tuum, 2024) and Toomas Kiho will be contributing with his poetry programme “Inisemisi”.Wine bar Vein ja Vine (Rüütli 8)
Meeting with Mairi Laurik
Mairi Laurik is an Estonian science fiction writer and promoter of science fiction literature.Tammelinna Library of Tartu Public Library (Suur kaar 56)
Meeting with Ene Sepp
Ene Sepp has published 13 books, the latest being the young adult book “The Formula of Estonianhood”, released at the beginning of 2024.Annelinn Library of Tartu Public Library (Kaunase pst 23)
Translator Tiina Kattel speaks about Ignė Zarambaitė’s novel “Süngete vete vaimud”
Tiina Kattel is speaking about Ignė Zarambaitė’s novel “Süngete vete vaimud”, about the translation process and Lithuania Minor region. The event will be in Estonian.Tartu Public Library (Kompanii 3/5) hall
Cultural-historical tour at Raadi Cemetery
The tour will be led by guide and writer Kaspar Jassa.Main gate of Raadi Cemetary (Kalmistu 22)
“Living Library” for school students
In the “Living Library,” you can meet so-called living books, intriguing with their fascinating life stories or backgrounds. Karlova-Ropka Library of Tartu Public Library (Tehase 16)
Grand Futurological Congress: Julia von Lucadou (Germany)
Tartu University professor Raili Marling will engage in a discussion with the author of the dystopian novel “The High-Rise Diver” (“Die Hochhausspringerin”).Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Author’s reflection “”A Fool in the Pocket” and other stories from synthetic paradises” by the Writer of the Day Tõnis Tootsen
Author’s reflection “”A Fool in the Pocket” and other stories from synthetic paradises” by the Writer of the Day Tõnis TootsenFahrenheit 451° Book Room (Kastani 42)
Grand Futurological Congress: Cory Doctorow (Canada)
Renowned science fiction writer, blogger, journalist, and free knowledge activist will give a presentation on the enshittification of the internet and on how to transform it back into the digital nervous system of a connected world to face the crises of the near future.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
A dance performance: „Ma jään kaevu / juurde igavesti jooma“ (“I Will Stay at the Well / Drinking Forever”)
A dance performance based on the poetry of Ene Mihkelson. “The performance is English-friendly, there is no spoken text.”Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Eolomea”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Eolomea” (East Germany, Bulgaria, 1972; directed by Herrmann Zschoche) Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
Half hour with Toomas Kiho
21.30 Half hour with Toomas Kiho at PromenaadiviisCulture Club Promenaadiviis (Promenaadi 5)
“Literary Adventures with the TartuFic Mobile App” for 7th-8th grade students
During the game, teams will navigate various points of interest in Tartu city centre using the mobile app. At each checkpoint, a task will be solved. The game will end at Toomemägi.Tartu Public Library (Kompanii 3/5)
Opening of the Exhibition “Poetics of Survival,” presentation of artworks, and a discussion
As part of the “Poetics of Survival” project, seminars and workshops were held in 2022 and 2023 with the aim of trying to understand endangered animal species through their own eyes.Jakobi 2 building of the University of Tartu (Jakobi 2), room 114
Grand Futurological Congress: Lesley-Ann Brown (Trinidad-USA-Denmark)
Brown critically observes American and European gender and race stereotypes, imperialist dogmas and also the attitudes related to the poor and the immigrants in seemingly progressive Denmark.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Joint presentation-discussion of Epp Petrone’s dystopian fairy tale „Linnutee koodid“ (“Codes of the Milky Way”) and Triinu Meres and Kristo Janson’s post-apocalyptic novel “Devolutsioon” (“Devolution”)
Joint presentation-discussion of Epp Petrone’s dystopian fairy tale „Linnutee koodid“ (“Codes of the Milky Way”) and Triinu Meres and Kristo Janson’s post-apocalyptic novel “Devolutsioon” (“Devolution”)Apollo bookshop of Tartu Kaubamaja shopping centre (Riia 1)
Discussion “Literature in a More-Than-Human World” led by the Writer of the Day Maarja Pärtna
Participating in the discussion will be Penny Boxall (UK) and David Hartley (UK), who have been in residence in Tartu, along with the current guest of the Tartu City of Literature residency program, Christiane Vadnais (Canada).Tartu Literature House (Vanemuise 19)
Grand Futurological Congress: Josh Sawyer (USA)
The lead designer at game studio Obsidian Entertainment, renowned for games such as “Icewind Dale,” “Neverwinter Nights 2,” “Fallout: New Vegas,” “Pillars of Eternity,” and “Pentiment,” will give a presentation about the future through the lens of his personal experiences and creations.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Concert “Parable of the Moon”
Adam Strug (Poland; vocals, accordion) will perform music composed to the texts of Czesław Miłosz. He will be accompanied by a band consisting of: Szczepan Pospieszalski (trumpet), Tomek Stawiecki (clarinet), Hipolit Woźniak (double bass), and Mateusz Kowalski (drums).Tubin Hall of Heino Eller Music School (Lossi 15)
A play „Tundmatute asjade mets” (“The Forest of Unknown Things”)
Tartu New Theatre presents: „Tundmatute asjade mets” (“The Forest of Unknown Things”)Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Tartu poetry slam TarSlämm final at Vilde ja Vine, featuring guest performer Joelle Taylor (UK)
It has become customary for TarSlämm’s booming and exhilarating final to take place during the springtime Prima Vista.Restaurant Vilde ja Vine (Vallikraavi 4)
Screenings of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” films “In the Dust of the Stars” and “Love 2002”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screenings of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” films “In the Dust of the Stars” (East Germany, Romania, 1976; director Gottfried Kolditz) and “Love 2002” (East Germany, 1972; director Joachim Hellwig)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: a tour “Walk through the times of you, me and us” with Anne Richter (UNESCO City of Literature Heidelberg, Germany) and Argo Vals
At the end of February 2024, composer Argo Vals and writer Anne Richter met to have a walk together in Tartu districts Supilinn and Tähtvere, where they talked about their observations, experiences and wishes for the future.Meeting point in front of Lai 30
“Living Library” for school students
In the “Living Library,” you can meet so-called living books, intriguing with their fascinating life stories or backgrounds.Annelinn Library of Tartu Public Library (Kaunase pst 23)
“Living Library” for school students
In the “Living Library,” you can meet so-called living books, intriguing with their fascinating life stories or backgrounds.Ilmatsalu Library of Tartu Public Library ( Kooli tee 5, Ilmatsalu)
Curatorial tour of the exhibition “Poetics of Survival”
Curatorial tour of the exhibition “Poetics of Survival” at the lobby of Jakobi 2lobby of Jakobi 2 building of the University of Tartu (Jakobi 2)
Literary expedition in Tartu
Under the guidance of the guide and writer Kaspar Jassa, a journey into literary history will take place in the city centre of Tartu.Toomemägi Hill
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: Opening of Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir’s (UNESCO City of Literature Reykjavík, Iceland) and Timo Toots’s installation “Ülekäik” (“Crossing”)
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: Opening of Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir’s (UNESCO City of Literature Reykjavík, Iceland) and Timo Toots’s installation “Ülekäik” (“Crossing”) at Narva mnt, next to the city centre side traffic light near the crossing towards Kivi KonsumCity centre side traffic light near the crossing towards Kivi Konsum (Narva mnt 25a)
Grand Futurological Congress: Isaac Rosa (Spain)
Tartu University guest lecturer Francisco Espino will converse with the author of the novel “Final Feliz” (published in Estonian by Toledo, 2023), Isaac Rosa.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: Opening of Olga Povoroznyk’s (UNESCO City of Literature Lviv, Ukraine) and Eike Eplik’s installation “Safe Place”
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: Opening of Olga Povoroznyk’s (UNESCO City of Literature Lviv, Ukraine) and Eike Eplik’s installationThe Cellar of Tartu Public Library (Kompanii 3/5)
Grand Futurological Congress: Preiļi Conceptualists (Preiļu konceptuālisti, Latvia)
Opening remarks will be given by the Latvian Ambassador to Estonia, Kristīne Našeniece.Conference hall of the University of Tartu Library (W. Struve 1)
Public recording of the radio Ööülikool program “Night Patterns” with the Writer of the Day Doris Kareva
Note: Admission fee applies, tickets available at Piletilevi for €10 / €15.Theatre hall of the Estonian National Museum (Muuseumi tee 2)
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Inquest of Pilot Pirx”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Inquest of Pilot Pirx” (Estonia, Poland, 1978; directed by Marek Piestrak)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
A play „Tundmatute asjade mets” (“The Forest of Unknown Things”)
Tartu New Theatre presents: „Tundmatute asjade mets” (“The Forest of Unknown Things”)Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Concert “Writers in Music”
At this celebratory concert, reminiscent of the early days, we will have on stage Jürgen Rooste along with Siim Aimla, Aapo Ilves, and Merca. They will be joined by representatives of the new generation, the Avemaria ensemble: Riste Sofie Käär (vocals, guitar), Kalli Talonpoika (drums), Alexander Kaseste (bass), and Jarko Skolin (guitar). Culture Club Salong (Vanemuise 19 ground floor, entrance from the back yard)
Insomniacathon Vol3
24-hour cultural marathon Insomniacathon takes place in Tartu for the third time!Tartu Literature House and Culture Club Salong (Vanemuise 19)
Presentation of the special issue of Värske Rõhk “How to Write Kindness” – community day with readings and soup kitchen
Performers include Helena Aadli, Oliver Issak, Saara Liis Jõerand, Anastassia Kuznetsova, Andreas Kübar, Emma Lotta Lõhmus, Karin Orgulas, Johanna Rannik, and Hildegard Reimann.Courtyard of Tähtvere Day Centre (Veski 35)
Award ceremony for the best participants of the school youth information retrieval game
Award ceremony for the best participants of the school youth information retrieval gameFahrenheit 451° Book Room (Kastani 42)
“Bring Your Own Utopia”: performance “The Forest of Ink and Skin” by David Hartley (UK) and Henri Hütt
Folktales foraged from painted bark; stories salvaged from inky roots.Tartu New Theatre (Lai 37)
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “On the Silver Globe”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “On the Silver Globe” (Poland, 1988, directed by Andrzej Zulawski)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
A Roadside Picnic: opening of artist Karel Koplimets’s installation and a reading by the Writer of the Day Urmas Vadi
On the final day of the festival, everybody is invited to an outing to the Tõravere Observatory, where Karel Koplimets’s installation, created as part of the project “ArCo3 – Artists in Collections, Communities and Collectives”, will be opened, and Urmas Vadi will be reading his works.University of Tartu observatory in Tõravere (Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere)
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” overview “Estonian Psychedelic Animation”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” overview “Estonian Psychedelic Animation” (Estonia, 1973–1981)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)
Screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Delta Space Mission”
Tartu Elektriteater presents: screening of the program “Stalking Eastern Europe” film “Delta Space Mission” (Romania, 1984; directors Calin Cazan, Mircea Toia)Cinema Theatre Elektriteater (Jakobi 1)