Prima Vista Book Fair

Tuesday, May 7th from 11:00 to 19:00
At Town Hall Square
Participating publishers:
- Ilmamaa
- Estonian Literary Museum
- Otto Wilhelm OÜ
- Tallinn University Press
- Emakeele Sihtasutus
- Atlex Publishing
- Mina Ise OÜ
- Keropää Publishing
- Eesti Raamat
- AVITA Publishing
- Fantasia Publishing OÜ
- Heiki Vilep
- Toledo Publishing
- Petrone Print OÜ
- Rühmitus KJS
- Hunt Publishing
- SE&JS Publishing
- Koolibri
- Argo Publishing
- Zeus Publishing Society
- Johannes Esto Publishing
- Estonian National Museum
- Studium OÜ
- University of Tartu Press
- Canopus Publishing
- Fahrenheit 451º Book Room
- Vabamõtleja OÜ
- Estonian Ornithological Society
- Legend
- Raudhammas
- Helios Publishing OÜ
- Hedda Peet
- University of Tartu Library e-Bookstore
- Tartu Public Library
- Mart Kivastik
Program on the book fair stage or in front of it atTown Hall Square
11:00 The day begins with a greeting concert by Karlova Kindergarten children
11:15 Art workshop with a writer: Epp Petrone will meet kindergarten and 1st-grade students to introduce her new book “Where do Fairy Tales Come From?”
12:30 Art workshop with a writer: Anti Saar will meet 2nd to 4th-grade students
14:15 Performance by Just Dance School children
14:30 Presentation of Ene Sepp’s book “Eestluse valem” (Estonian Identity Formula) by Eesti Raamat
15:00 Polish Flag Day: a carillon with a polonaise, speeches by Deputy Mayor Raimond Tamme and the Chargè d’affaires a.i. of the Republic of Poland Anna Pełka, followed by a procession to the university main building. Laying of flowers at the King Batory memorial plaque.
15:20 Presentation by Mina Ise Publishing
15:40 Presentation of Olga Tokarczuk and Joanna Concejo’s book “The Lost Soul”. See also:
16:00 Dance performance “Presents and Futures” featuring Fakesnake, Vigased pruudid, and the Sansaara Dance and Yoga Studio.
16:30 Presentation by Hunt Publishing
16:45 Presentation by Ilmamaa Publishing
17:00 Presentation by the Estonian Ornithological Society
17:15 Presentation by Vabamõtleja OÜ
17:00 Street theatre performance “Echoes” by Migro (Poland) in front of the fountain at Raekoja Square. Watch the trailer. See also:
18:00 Group dance “Wuthering Heights” in front of the stage
Everyone who loves to dance is welcome to join or cheer along!