Aime Hansen (Estonia)

Aime Hansen is an Estonian writer, performance artist and visual artist. She has published several books of prose and poetry, has performed at numerous  events and festivals, has had art exhibitions. Graduated as a linguist from TU, but creative artist in her hearth. Featured at Insomniathon as a theatrical performance poet.

Aime writes/performs  theatrical poetry in a storytelling style, both in English and Estonian. Her poems display little scenes, monologues and dialogues of various characters. During the performance  characters come alive, played by the poet. At Insomniathon A Certain Herr Professor, No-Nonsense Girl Next Door, Shakespearean Actor George, A Well-Behaved Space Alien and many others make an appearance. It’s a showcase of light-hearted comedy poetry.  

Aime feels her current style of poetry is greatly influenced by her encounters with London spoken word scene. One the other hand ancient myths, legends and mysteries of life have been a source of inspiration. More serious side of Aime’s poetry is featured in her book “I was the angel of the sea” (2011). Trademark of Aime’s prose is also love of mystery and suspense; cultural influences from across the globe. Prose in Estonian: “Stories found from travel trunk” (2009, short stories, received a literary price). “An Estonian in London: down the rabbit hole”(2011, travel book). “New Zealand in word and picture” (2011, travel book).

Aime Hansen’s books in English (both available at
“Coffee mornings with angels” (2018, collection of poetry)
“Maagilised peeglid / Magic Mirrors” (2019 collection of artwork, bilingual texts).
Artist contact:

Aime will appear at Insomniathon on Saturday 11 of May evening with a showcase of humorous theatrical poetry in English.

Foto: Aime Hansen
Aime Hansen

Insomniacathon Vol3