Emma Lotta Lõhmus (Estonia)

Emma Lotta Lõhmus is studying semiotics and cultural theory at the University of Tartu. Her poetry and poetry criticism have been published in Müürileht, Värske Rõhk, and Looming. Emma Lotta enjoys the smell of earth and cold water, Marina Herlop’s album “Pripyat,” baklava, and finding common ground with someone (which doesn’t necessarily have to consist of words). When she was little, she endlessly compiled lists including everything in her room, nursery and classmate names, illnesses, and words with multi-consonant combinations. Now, she is interested in how poetic language could awaken us from such categorisation, offer unexpected word combinations instead of worn-out expressions, and thereby touch people in the most real and intense ways.

Foto: Emma Lotta Lõhmus
Emma Lotta Lõhmus

Presentation of the special issue of Värske Rõhk “How to Write Kindness” – community day with readings and soup kitchen