Larissa Joonas (Estonia)

Photo: private collection

Larissa Joonas is a Russian poet living in Estonia since 1983. She is a multiple nominee of the Estonian Cultural Foundation prize, an author of poetry collections Самый белый свет (The Whitest Light, 2006), Младенцы безумного града (The Young of the Mad Town, 2017), Кодумаа (Homeland, 2017), Мировое словесное электричество (Global Electricity of the Word, 2019), Человеческое кино (Human Cinema, 2020), Пустоши флайтрадара (Wastelands of the Light Radar, 2021). Her poems have been published in literary magazines Волга, Октябрь, Дружба народов, Воздух, and Радуга, but also in other magazines and on the web.

Poems by Larissa Joonas have been translated into English, Italian, Finnish, Lithuanian, and Polish. In 2019 publishing house Arcipelago itaca Edizioni published a bilingual poetry book Un quanto perso in strada in Russian and Italian translated into Italian by Paolo Calvagni. In 2020 a poetry book titled Arütmia või ööbikud (Arrhythmia or Nightingales) was published in Estonian, translated by Aare Pilv. The public of the festival can participate in a meeting with the author and the presentation of the translation.

Thursday, September 23rd

16.00 Poetry reading with Larissa Joonas and the launch of her books „Arütmia ja ööbikud“ and „Inimkino“ at Tartu City Museum