Toomas Kiho (Estonia)
During the Crazy Tartu festival, it was written that Kiho is a great poet, whose work has been noticed by several literary scholars, who have highlighted his “wide range of poetry – also in terms of form” (according to Sirje Olesk), as well as by natural scientists, who have spoken of his “wise verses coming from the soul” and his “unique national-political poetry” (according to Kalevi Kull), which, however, nobody in today’s Estonia particularly wants to publish. Therefore, these texts are rarely heard or seen. Now, some texts can be heard again, in addition to his translations, the most recent of which appeared in the April issue of Akadeemia titled “Kant 300”, which will also be available at the poetry evening in Vein ja Vine.

Presentation of Kristina Viin’s poetry collection and Toomas Kiho’s poetry program