Insomniacathon Vol3

11th May 10:00–12th May 10:00
Tartu Literature House and Culture Club Salong

24-hour cultural marathon Insomniacathon takes place in Tartu for the third time! This event, imported to Tartu and Prima Vista by the American beat poet Ron Whitehead, has already become eagerly looked forward to by many and offers both surprises as well as the familiar, new performers, as well as old acquaintances, including Ron himself. The performers this year include Ron Whitehead, Jinn Bug, Alan Shapiro, Claudia Baniahmad, Christiane Vadnais, Halõna Kruk, Francis Gene-Rowe, Amy Cutler, Merca, fs, Kristel Mägedi, Aime Hansen, Two Pigs Flying Towards the Sun, Andres Roots, and others.


10.00 Opening of Insomniacathon on the front stairs of Tartu Literature House. Opening words: Ron Whitehead
10.30 A cultural historical tour at Tartu Literature House guided by Ants Siim
11.00 Coffee and fortune-telling in Utopia

At the Culture Club Salong
12.00–14.00 Poetry workshop with Joelle Taylor (UK)
14.00 Insomniakaton I and II in pictures – opening of a photo exhibition at the Salong (weather permitting, in the summer garden)
15.00 Estonian Theatre Agency and Theatre Vanemuine present: Reading of Paul Piik’s play “Kolimine” at the Salong; featuring Vanemuine actors Karol Kuntsel, Ken Rüütel, Reimo Sagor, along with guests Iris Viru and musician Karl-Martin Kirm

In the Attic Hall
15.30 Ivars Šteinbergs (Latvia) in the attic of the Literature House
16.00 Screening of the film “Einaratīvs” dedicated to Latvian conceptualist poet Einārs Pelšs in the attic of the Literature House, introduced by its director Betija Zvejniece
18.00 Performance “Catilina” by classical philology students of the University of Tartu

At the Culture Club Salong
16.30 Merca (Writer of the Day, Estonia)
17.00 Alan Shapiro (USA/Germany)
17.30 Claudia Baniahmad (USA/Germany)
18.00 A selection of Ukrainian poetry: poems by Olga Povoroznyk and Halyna Kruk read in Ukrainian as well as in Estonian and English translation
18.30 fs (Estonia)
19.00 Ron Whitehead (USA)
19.30 Jinn Bug (USA)
20.00 Christiane Vadnais (Canada)
20.30 Kristel Mägedi (Estonia)
21.00 Francis Gene-Rowe (UK) and Amy Cutler (UK) present: Osculate Orbits: A Conflux of Speculative Writing
21.40 Aime Hansen (Estonia)
22.10 Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir (Iceland)
22.40 Merca (Estonia)
23.00 Live: Two Pigs Fly Towards the Sun
00.00 Siim Lill (Estonia)
00.15 Open mic
01.30 Disco 3024
03.30 Wild visions of the future in Estonian literature
04.30 Soup and sunrise karaoke
06.00 Ten-line science fiction story writing competition (themes provided on-site)
07.00 “Hope for the Future”: video messages from children, introduced by Hilary Bird
08.30 Live: Andres Roots (Estonia)
09.00 Urmas Vadi (Writer of the Day of May 12th, Estonia) and Meelis Friedenthal (Writer of the Day of May 6th, Estonia)
09.30 Closing of Insomniacathon