Tones of the Future in Estonia

Tones of the future of the daily patron writers at Prima Vista 2024: Futures better and worse.

This year, the festival comprises a special programme Tones of the Future in Estonia where doors into the future are opened in the writings of seven very different authors. 

Life is not always the simple antithesis of good or bad, black or white. Imagining the future and writing about it is like painting where various shades and hues are used to achieve a consistent picture. It is the calling of writers to express those shades in words  – be they bright, bold, light or dark, together they create a picture of the fears, expectations and dreams about the future – conjuring up better and worse futures.

During the festival week every day, the thoughts, dreams or doubts of one Estonian writer about the future and survival are published. In addition, every writer will ask the festival guests at the events organised by them to think more broadly and to discuss about several complicated themes like social changes, technological achievements and the future of mankind. 

All these texts together form a versatile picture of a possible Estonian landscape of the future. Like different shades of colour show the deepness and diversity of the world, words show us various shades of the future. 

One thing is certain: the future is coming, despite the form of the present.

Saturday, 11th May

One Day